10 ways to avoid a trip to the er With Your child
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By Jonathan Rosenfeld
The emergency room is expensive and not whatsoever fun, so you want to avoid having to take your child there if you can. By taking some easy precautions and planning ahead, numerous different types of situations can be avoided, saving you and your family a lot of time and money. here are ten suggestions to keep you from being on a first-name basis at the ER:
1. keep infants off the couch and bed.
Even before kids can walk, they can be involved in accidents. numerous parents place babies on the bed or sofa, but infants can easily roll over and onto the floor. Don’t leave babies unsupervised on any high pieces of furniture, including the changing table. When mother is busy, Junior can snuggle in the crib or play happily in the playpen.
2. keep infant/car seats on the floor.
The same applies to babies in infant seats; they shouldn’t be left on high places like tables. An infant seat with a baby in it could be knocked off by rambunctious kids or family pets. in some cases older babies are strong enough to bounce in the infant seat until it reaches the edge and topples off. A general guideline of thumb is to not leave babies anywhere a fall could happen.
3. Lock up anything you wouldn’t hand to your child to play with.
When the kids reach toddler age, parents really learn the implying of “baby proofing the house.” toddlers will push, pull, eat, play with, or stick their fingers into anything. Make sure to lock up all cleaning products, medicines, alcohol, and anything else that a child could ingest. The restroom is typically a roomful of harmful substances, so it’s a good idea to put a hook and eyelet lock up high on the outside of the restroom door.
4. continuously check around the house for choking hazards.
Choking or swallowing small objects is always a hazard for toddlers. Be sure to police the house for things children could swallow such as paper clips, coins, beads, small batteries or small toys belonging to older children. Ask the older kids to help; they’ll feel important. When women pals come over, make sure their purses are well out of reach. Your child will be safer, and your pals will not be upset that their lipstick was eaten.
5. stay on top of your socket plugs.
Socket plugs are a parent’s conventional these days, but over time they seem to disappear. pick a day every week to make sure sockets that have been used are replaced purchase enough socket plugs so if some are lost or broken, you can replace them easily. toddlers love to stick their fingers into sockets, and what’s worse, they love to stick silverware in them as well. keep those sockets plugged up that are high as well as the ones at baseboard level; kids do a amazing amount of climbing.
6. keep matches and lighters locked up.
Everyone tells the kids “Don’t play with matches,” but to a small child matches are just too tempting. Make sure they’re locked up and not in a drawer in the kitchen. keep any kind of lighter or firestarter locked up, too. If you have firecrackers in your home, which are legal in some places, make sure they’re well out of reach of the kids. It’s best if they are taught how to be safe with them, but even better if they don’t know they’re even in the house. Don’t leave kids around the hot stove or burners unsupervised, and be especially watchful of them around outdoor grilles, which can suggestion over easily. Burns are nasty and you want to avoid them whatsoever costs.
7. anchor your TV
A major issue now with small children involves large flat screen TVs. flat screen TVs are top-heavy, and suggestion over readily even when pulled on by a toddler. but flat screen TVs aren’t the only problem; people are moving their old cathode-ray TVs to bedrooms and placing them on dressers. This is even much more dangerous, because a dresser was never developed to support the weight of a TV, and the TV will fall over with very little encouragement. One expert reported that a child is killed by a TV every three weeks. If you have a flat screen TV that’s available to a toddler, anchor it to a wall or to a low, heavy stand. If you have an older TV on a dresser, it’s best to anchor it to the wall, or make sure your toddler can’t get into the room where it is.
8. Don’t stop laying down the law on street actiútvar
Malé deti, ako to hovorí Joseph, právnik dopravného lístka Fort Lauderdale, nemajú koncepciu pozerania na autá. Keď sú na výletoch, potrebujú neustály dohľad. Ak sa chystáte na prechádzku, chyťte sa ruky batoľa ešte pred prechodom pre chodcov, skôr ako bude mať šancu vložiť do ulice. Ak ste v parku, uistite sa, že viete, že sa netušil pri ceste. Keď ste hotoví v obchode s potravinami a na parkovisku vozidla, je dobré ho vložiť na automobilové sedadlo a potom naložiť potraviny do auta. Ale musíte si byť vedomí aj doma; Na svojej vlastnej príjazdovej ceste sa prebehlo množstvo malých detí. Predtým, ako vytiahnete z príjazdovej cesty, uistite sa, že viete, kde je vaše batoľa. Váš partner alebo staršie dieťa ho môže pozrieť, kým sa bezpečne nedostanete preč. Mnohí ľudia inštalujú záložnú videokameru do svojho auta, čo je celkom dobrý nápad.
9. Vyučujte svoje deti, ako jazdiť na bicykli, akoby šoférovali auto
Staršie deti sú tiež náchylné na nehody. Jazda na bicykli je úžasná aktivita, ale aj zdroj check ero ER. Uistite sa, že deti poznajú usmernenia o bezpečnej jazde na bicykli, ako napríklad používanie reflektorov a jazda čelia prichádzajúcej premávke. Prilby sú veľmi dôležité na zabránenie zraneniam mozgu a deti by bez jedného by nemali jazdiť. Je dobré mať pestrofarebnú prilbu pre zvýšenú viditeľnosť.
10. Voda! Voda! Voda!
Deti by mali mať vždy dostatok prístupu k vode! Podľa Centra pre kontrolu chorôb 85% detí prechádza denným dehydratovaným. Voda zabraňuje obezite, chorobe, únave, úsudku a zabraňuje správne cirkuláciu vašej krvi. Každý by mal niesť fľašu s vodou. Tým, že ste neustále nosili fľašu s vodou, ste vy a vaše deti pripomenuli piť a môžete monitorovať, koľko vody pijete po celý deň.
Deti budú deťmi, ale môžete sa vyhnúť mnohým nehodám premýšľaním o Murphyho zákone – čokoľvek sa môže stať – a prijmeme opatrenia, aby sa odvrátili, čo by sa mohlo stať. Týmto spôsobom sa nestanete najlepšími kamarátmi s pediatrickými sestrami.
O tomto autorovi: Advokát pre zranenie narodenia Jonathan Rosenfeld z právnikov Rosenfeld Infound Advokáti pre deti so zraneniami narodenia a často chráni svoje práva prostredníctvom svojej advokátskej kancelárie. Okrem praktizovania zákona Jonathan sa teší plávania, grilovania a šoférovania svojich detí v Chicagu v štáte IL. Môžete ho sledovať na Twitteri, Facebooku a Google+.
Odkaz na tento príspevok: 10 spôsoby, ako sa vyhnúť výletu do ER s dieťaťom
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